Natural Made Supplements

Consumption of Omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. FDA evaluated the data and determined that although there is scientific evidence supporting the claim, the evidence is not conclusive. Omega-3 fatty acids also help maintain triglyceride and cholesterol levels already in the normal range.
Maximum Strength
Recommended by Pharmacists
No Artificial Colors
No Artificial Flavors
No Preservatives
No Chemical Solvents, Yeast, Starch or Gluten
100ea @ RM70
180ea @ RM120

-Helps Support Mental, Nerve, Visual Function/Development*
-Folic Acid with DHA is important for women of childbearing age
-No Artificial Flavors, No Preservatives, No Starch, Yeast or Gluten
Plays a role in the development of the nervous system of the fetus.* Adequate Folic Acid in healthful diets may reduce a woman's risk of having a child with a brain or spinal cord birth defect. Folate intake should not exceed 250% of the Daily Value (1,000 mcg)
100ea @ RM72

Traditional Medicinals Organic Mother's Milk

Promotes Healthy Lactation*
Herbal Dietary Supplement

New Organic Formula - 100% Organic!
No added flavors!
Just the true taste of real herbs!™
Caffeine Free
Made with medicinal grade herbs!
What will Mother's Milk® do for me?
Mother's Milk promotes healthy lactation* by increasing the production of breast milk.* It also supports digestion,* which is beneficial to both mother and baby.

How do I know it works?
Mother's Milk is based on tea blends traditionally used in Europe to aid nursing mothers. We test the brewed tea for its phyto-nutrient content to make sure batches are uniform so you get the same benefit from the herbs in each cup.

When should I use it?
Drink Mother's Milk freely throughout your nursing experience.

How does it taste?
Sweet tasting anise and fennel seeds blend with mild mint and lemon notes.

Sealed Fresh
Every tea bag in this box has been individually wrapped and sealed for freshness, ensuring that the beneficial components of the herbs remain intact.

16 Tea Bags per BOX @ RM45

GNC Live Well vitamins/supplements

Spending too much on GNC supplements? We are here to helping you save every single of your penny and still continue to consume GNC products. How? We ship it directly from US. Don't you know GNC products are made in USA? What the different between GNC US and MALAYSIA? Well the different is "a halogram sticker" that cost you additioinal RM
here is the TOP sales
NC Glucosamine Hydrochloride 750 mg/Chondroitin 600 mg, 120 ea @ RM180

-Metabolic Support
-Nighttime Mineral Support
GNC Pro Performance Zinc Magnesium Aspartate Mineral Supplement 120ea @ RM240

Calcium Plus® 1000 with Magnesium & Vitamin D
adequate calcium in a healthy diet may reduce the risk of osterporosis later in life
GNC Calcium Plus 1000 with Magnesium & Vitamin D 180ea @ RM88

GNC Women's Evening Primrose oil 1300mg 180ea @ RM180

L'il Critters Gummy Bears Dietary Supplement

Gummy Vites Kids Multivitamin - 70 ea @ RM75
Gummy Vites Kids Multivitamin - 190 ea @ RM175

Calcium Gummy Bears with Vitamin D Dietary Supplement - 60 ea @ RM75

Fruit & Veggie Bears, Sour Bears - 60 ea @ RM75

Gummy Vitamin C & Echinacea - 60 ea @ RM75

Omega-3 Gummy Fish - 120 ea @ RM125

Vitamin D Gummy Bears - 60 ea @ RM75